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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Supercharge Your Ride

There are a wide variety of after market accessories you can use to make your ride just a bit quicker. But what if you want to go more than just a bit quicker? What if you really want to fly? Why, just supercharge it!

The engine in your car is an internal combustion mechanism. It requires a couple of things to work - oxygen, fuel and a little old spark to get things burning. If you can add more of the fuel or oxygen, you can really deliver some serious power to the ground. This is the very idea behind a supercharger.

What is a supercharger? It is a device used to crank up the volume of oxygen being delivered in an engine. It works by increasing the amount air in the compression chamber. There are different ways of doing this, but the general idea is to create a forced air induction system. When more air is pushed into the compression chamber, it allows the engine to burn the fuel more efficiently. This creates more bang, which is translated into more power through the drivetrain.

There are two general types of superchargers on the market. A positive displacement version provides consistent power through the range of RPMs and speed by providing the same amount of forced air at each cylinder turn. The second version of the supercharger is the dynamic compressor. These compressors work by speeding up and slowing down air to create added pressure. The pressure is then transferred to the firing chamber, amplifying the total power. The dynamic compressor tends to provide a lot of power at higher speeds, but not as much at lower ones.

Are there any downsides to using a supercharger? Everything has a potential downside! With superchargers, it tends to come in three areas. First, you are going to use a lot more fuel. Second, the process is going to create a lot more heat which is the enemy of any engine. Third, the cranked up power is going to put additional stress on parts throughout the drivetrain. If any are older or weak, they may fail and that can mean costly repairs.

So, what does all this mean for the performance of your car? Well, it depends obviously on the set up you go with. In general, a supercharger will increase the performance of your engine by between 50 and 100 percent. It is an absolute blast to feel that power hit the road as your body is sucked back into the seat.

Dirk Gibson writes for DCJAutoParts.com - your central hub for car parts online.

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